Saturday, March 22, 2008

Falling 3-22

I know I have been a bitch and clingy. I know I am at times unbareable to be around, but with everything I have just pushed aside I have lost control. I fell in love and now my heart is torn on whether to stay or not leave. I have always thought it was just my parents who don't realize things with me, but damn am I wrong. The one person who is suppose to be able to see through me just over looks me like everyone else now. It is better for me to be single even though I miss the "I love yous" and the kisses... I need to get my life worked out right now. I need to become stable again.

I hate myself for pushing away one of the most important people in my life. And no matter how hard I try I just keep doing it. I know damn well I am terrifide to loose him completely and I am so sick of hearing, if it truly belongs to you then it'll come back. Whoever came up with that phrase needs to be shot. I try to wrap my head around everything and I just can't seem to do it. I have always known that I wouldn't leave him but for the first time in almost 2 years I honestly don't know which was to go. He won;t makea decision anytime soon which is fine, but I can't just sit around not knowing if he truly loves me still.

Stay or go? I don't know which one to chose. He honestly doesn't care what happens. Or at least that is what he is making me believe.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I still remember it so clearly. It was a couple days after my nightmare; July 13, 2006 I was pissed off at my ex Miswinkle. Over something completely stupid which I can't even remember now. I called Joey up and I wanted someone to talk too, something to do. Joey laughed and called over to his friend Adam to see if he wanted to talk to someone who hated Miswinkle as much as he did.

I still find it funny how my ex boyfriend and Adam's ex girlfriend ended up dating for like over a year.

Adam got on the phone and we got along right away. He decided that him, Joey, & Willow would all ride down to hang out with me for a little bit. It was 20 minutes to midnight and they finally found their way to my old home. For some reason people always seem to get dumbfounded about where I used to live. Quite funny actually.

Adam acted so cocky that night I still get a chuckle out of it. He threatened to throw me into our old pool. This guy just meets me and is already threatening me like that, but it was cute because he kind of flirting and to this day he still doesn't realize it. He gave me his number and the following day I was so bored that I ended up calling him. We talked for a little bit and he decided that he would come over, but of course his car broke down and that ruined those plans.

Later on that night I called him again and we ended up talking all night, until the sun came up. I remember he told me that he didn't care how long it took he was going to break through my walls. I believe that was the sweetest moment with him. I was going through a tough time I just was dumped my ex Lenny and I was ready to swear guys off for awhile and here comes Adam and he fought through my walls. We made plans to go out on our first date to see Clerks II. We had our first kiss during that movie. Adam came over dressed all in red, red silky shirt and red sweat shorts which are still too big for him. We left and he asked me if I wanted him to pick up his friend Willow and Allie and we went to the mall for alittle bit before the movie started and we went to the booksmith then left and once we got into the theater we sat down and at the beginning of the movie he leaned over and gave me the sweetest, cutest, most loving kiss I've ever had. Towards the end of the movie he kissed me again and I loved it just as much as the first one.

We left the movies and went to the bowling alley to catch up with Allie and Willow. He is just so adorable when he bowls he kicks his right leg behind him when he believes he has a strike. I talked with Allie and Willow for a little bit I got along very well with Willow. Which eventually bit me in the ass. Adam finished bowling and we left without even telling them I remember the sky looked as if it was going to rain. It smelled that way also, that sweet smell with the warmth in it. We went out to the bird watching place.. he parked, we got out he sat on the hood I walked between his legs stood there and he kissed me again.. then burnt his ass. We got up walked around to the back he sat on the trunk and he held me. I had so many emotions rush over me.. calmness, fear, warmth, safeness, and a type of happiness that I have honestly never felt before in my whole life. I remember he told me he felt stable with me. (God I want to cry.)

Two weeks later we got very close then things ended up going down hill not long after that. I became very close friends with Willow, I fell hard for Adam, I let them in. Adam went to the Godsmack and Rob Zombie concert for his best friend Ashley's birthday and Willow went with him and Willow's alter-ego decided she was going to dance very close with my boyfriend while drunk. Which made me want to rip her god forsaken head off at the time, but I'm learning to forgive her. I went through so much hell that summer. I was introduced to alter-egos they all had. That August a couple weeks after knowing them I stayed over her house while he parents were away. I met Ruzzlyne, Syne, and Keevin. Whether I am completely off the wall for even allowing this into my reality oh fucking well. I fell in love with Adam and I still accept every part of him and Willow became my best friend.. the person I was able to be my whole self with, but that was destroyed.

Keevin loved to play mind games with and so did Ruzzlyne which I will not be able to forgive, but move on from. Keevin eventually became found of me and would help me out. Damon on the other hand wanted to chop my head off. Figure the guy I fall for has something inside him that wants to hurt me and another thing who loves to play mind games. The ending of 2006 and all of 2007 was complete torture for me.

I almost lost Adam because of fucking Ruzzlyne and Willow. Willow ended up developing a crush on me which Ruzzlyne insisted on carrying out. Adam freaked out because he thought I had sex with her which would never happen not now not ever.

(to be cont....)